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Results found: 607 [<<300<<] | 301-330 | 331-360 | 361-390 | 391-420 | 421-450 | 451-480 | 481-510 | 511-540 | 541-570 | 571-600 | [>>7>>]
addiction counseling new York
20-09-2019 08:29
Offering: Health services, beauty services in United States, New York, New York City ... View detailed ...
addiction counseling new York

There are millions of individuals worldwide who are addicted in one way or another. Nicotine, alcohol, drugs, gambling is among the most common forms of addiction. Addiction causes problems to individuals, families, and society and these problems are increasing all the time. H.E.L.P. (

Office Based Treatment for Opiate and Opioid Addictions
06-09-2019 08:28
Offering: Health services, beauty services in United States, New York, New York City ... View detailed ...
Office Based Treatment for Opiate and Opioid Addictions

Drug and alcohol detoxification is medically supervised withdrawal. A medication that is the same or similar to the drug being abused is given to the patient until withdrawal symptoms are alleviated. The medication is then given in downward tapering doses. This allows for a safer and more comfortable withdrawal for the patient.

Restorative Medicine: IV Therapy
29-08-2019 14:23
Offering: Health services, beauty services in United States, New York, New York City ... View detailed ...
Restorative Medicine: IV Therapy

With care from Restorative Medicine: IV Therapy, patients find that their bodies can fight off diseases, feel healthier, and slow signs of aging. If these benefits sound like something you are interested in, schedule an appointment today with our holistic clinic. Website: https://vladimiralexeyenkomd.

Addiction Counseling Treatment in New York City
29-08-2019 13:46
Offering: Health services, beauty services in United States, New York, New York City ... View detailed ...
Addiction Counseling Treatment in New York City

Addiction counseling is an essential component of the treatment course of action. Generally the thought of counseling is not desirable to many individuals. A number of individuals may consider that by agreeing to counseling, they will be weakening themselves, feeling as if perhaps they ought to be able to "fix" troubles on their own.

Intensive Outpatient Program New York City
17-08-2019 13:13
Offering: Health services, beauty services in United States, New York, New York City ... View detailed ...
Intensive Outpatient Program New York City

The HELP ( Intensive Outpatient Program will provide a complete array of mental health intensive outpatient services to individuals experiencing an acute episode of mental illness. The program will be staffed by an interdisciplinary team of mental health professionals with competencies in treating individuals who are experiencing a mental health crisis that places them at risk of inpatient hospitalization.

Get Best Salons In New York - Nunzio Saviano
09-08-2019 11:13
Offering: Health services, beauty services in United States, New York, New York City ... View detailed ...
Get Best Salons In New York  - Nunzio Saviano

Nunzio Saviano Beauty is important for women. All women want to be appreciated that is why they do spend the time to make an effort to become more beautiful. To become more beautiful, she needs to be more confident, and that makes a woman look even better. One of the main features that women spend time and money is the hair or her crowning glory.

Get Best Salons In New York City - Nunzio Saviano
01-08-2019 10:19
Offering: Health services, beauty services in United States, New York, New York City ... View detailed ...
Get Best Salons In New York City - Nunzio Saviano

Nunzio Saviano Beauty is important for women. All women want to be appreciated that is why they do spend the time to make an effort to become more beautiful. To become more beautiful, she needs to be more confident, and that makes a woman look even better. One of the main features that women spend time and money is the hair or her crowning glory.

Medication Management New York City
26-07-2019 13:11
Offering: Health services, beauty services in United States, New York, New York City ... View detailed ...
Medication Management New York City

The health care business is growing by leaps and bounds and there is a requirement for its effective management so that high quality services are provided to the patients. Therefore a person, who would be interested in working in the medical field as a non-medical person, would find a career in medical management an interesting one.

Intensive Outpatient Program New York City
18-07-2019 12:53
Offering: Health services, beauty services in United States, New York, New York City ... View detailed ...
Intensive Outpatient Program New York City

The HELP Intensive Outpatient Program will provide a complete array of mental health intensive outpatient services to individuals experiencing an acute episode of mental illness. The program will be staffed by an interdisciplinary team of mental health professionals with competencies in treating individuals who are experiencing a mental health crisis that places them at risk of inpatient hospitalization.

Opioid Medication Treatment New York city
27-06-2019 10:45
Offering: Health services, beauty services in United States, New York, New York City ... View detailed ...
Opioid Medication Treatment New York city

Harlem East Life Plan provides medication assistance to individuals who are in need of opioid treatment. HELP uses methadone to abstinence or methadone maintenance to treat individuals that are addicted and have a documented history of opioid abuse. HELP treats individuals who have a history of an opioid addiction and require medication intervention.

Mental Health Wellness Center New York City
21-06-2019 08:50
Offering: Health services, beauty services in United States, New York, New York City ... View detailed ...
Mental Health Wellness Center New York City

The Harlem East Life Plan’s Mental Health Wellness Center, is an outpatient counseling program that assists an individual in developing a full range of life enhancing skills. Medication Management, Individual and Group Counseling are offered to assist clients in: 1. Mental Health issues such as depression, anxiety, etc.

Care Coordination Programs New York City
13-06-2019 08:54
Offering: Health services, beauty services in United States, New York, New York City ... View detailed ...
Care Coordination Programs New York City

There are many ways to gain credit faster than the classical approach. The magic is in the coordination. I chose a path that was not only highly effective, but was tailored to me. I have advised a number of other students who chose a variation on the same theme, accentuating their own strengths rather than strict adherence to mine, which would have caused them a level of difficulty greater than necessary.

Mental Health and Wellness New York City
13-06-2019 08:52
Offering: Health services, beauty services in United States, New York, New York City ... View detailed ...
Mental Health and Wellness New York City

I realized I had been feeling a sense of overwhelmed for a while and I was letting the mental list of de-cluttering jobs really weigh me down. One of my patterns is to take the 'all or nothing approach', where I won't or don't start until I have time to do the whole job. Now given that my life is pretty full and I wanted to sort through my whole house and garage this approach was not working so well for me, let's face it that would take me a substantial block of time.

Best Homemade Beauty Tips For Fairness Skin
20-05-2019 08:18
Offering: Health services, beauty services in United States, New York, New York City ... View detailed ...
Best Homemade Beauty Tips For Fairness Skin

Beauty is power; a smile is its sword. You will find your desire beauty tips here to keep your skin healthy & fresh..

Adults Health Care New York City
18-05-2019 14:35
Offering: Health services, beauty services in United States, New York, New York City ... View detailed ...
Adults Health Care New York City

Adult day care services are meant for senior citizens who need people around assisting them to do one thing or the other during the day. Family members are relieved of the stress of combining their work or vocation with taking care of their immediate families together with elderly ones. With the adult day care, centers they are assured that, their loved ones are being take care of and that they are well secured.

Addiction Counseling New York City
11-05-2019 19:19
Offering: Health services, beauty services in United States, New York, New York City ... View detailed ...
Addiction Counseling New York City

Addiction recovery is a incredibly complicated method, yet with addiction counseling, addiction recovery is more easily and systematically achieved. Addiction consultants have an understanding of how addiction works and how it manifests itself in folks. For the reason that humans are all diverse from one another, advisors try to formulate a customized program for each individual to best suit their individual needs for a effective addiction recovery.

02-05-2019 07:08
Offering: Health services, beauty services in United States, New York, New York City ... View detailed ...

We believe in living our very best lives as our most amazing selves. We believe in inspiring others. We believe there's enough room at the top. Visit our website on how to sign up:

Why You Need to Understand Medication Management New York city
18-04-2019 15:05
Offering: Health services, beauty services in United States, New York, New York City ... View detailed ...

Medication is a Major Issue According to a 2006 study by the three leading non-profits - ACHA, NCAL and MEFC, medication is often a major component of an older person's life, making it a major issue for assisted living facilities. The role of medication and medication assistance (called "medication management" by assisted living administrators) is surprising.

Get the Best Mental Health and Wellness Care in New York City
08-04-2019 14:09
Offering: Health services, beauty services in United States, New York, New York City ... View detailed ...

Harlem East Life Plan is a Diagnostic & Treatment facility that serves the multi ethnic communities of the tri state area. HELP offers a continuum of medical care and behavioral health programs, HELP outpatient Medication Assistance Program, HELP Outpatient Addiction Individual and Group Counseling, Adam Clayton Powel IV Medical Health Clinic and HELP Mental Health Counseling Center.

Eye2eyecontactz- Color eye accessories
05-04-2019 10:44
Offering: Health services, beauty services in United States, New York, New York City ... View detailed ...
Eye2eyecontactz- Color eye accessories

Eye2eye Contacts buy best color eye contact lenses and accessories in affordable price with free shipping. more info:

Pet Therapy In NYC - Sage Home Care
26-03-2019 09:53
Offering: Health services, beauty services in United States, New York, New York City ... View detailed ...
Pet Therapy In NYC - Sage Home Care

Sage Home care provides Pet Therapy In NYC to bring comfort, friendship, and companionship to our clients and their loved ones. These pets create a happy and positive care atmosphere that promotes health and well-being at home. For detailed information visit us @ 845-582-0337..

Best Hairstylist In Nyc - Nunzio Saviano
16-02-2019 13:23
Offering: Health services, beauty services in United States, New York, New York City ... View detailed ...

Beauty is important for women. All women want to be appreciated that is why they do spend the time to make an effort to become more beautiful. To become more beautiful, she needs to be more confident, and that makes a woman look even better. One of the main features that women spend time and money is the hair or her crowning glory.

Best Hairstylist In Nyc - Nunzio Saviano Salon
16-02-2019 09:10 Price: 10 065 USD $
Offering: Health services, beauty services in United States, New York, New York City ... View detailed ...
Best Hairstylist In Nyc - Nunzio Saviano Salon

Beauty is important for women. All women want to be appreciated that is why they do spend the time to make an effort to become more beautiful. To become more beautiful, she needs to be more confident, and that makes a woman look even better. One of the main features that women spend time and money is the hair or her crowning glory.

Laser Stretch Mark Removal Treatment in NYC
29-01-2019 17:58
Offering: Health services, beauty services in United States, New York, New York City ... View detailed ...

Dr. Ariel Ostad provides permanent stretch mark removal treatment in NYC. They use the best laser technology available on the market. To schedule an appointment, contact us today! Contact us: Address: 897 Lexington Ave. New York, NY 10065 Tel: 212-517-7900.

Women’s Sunbathing Solfit Onesie – Best Cold Weather Clothing
23-01-2019 12:31 Price: 150 USD $
Offering: Health services, beauty services in United States, New York, New York City ... View detailed ...
Women’s Sunbathing Solfit Onesie – Best Cold Weather Clothing

Boost your vitamin d without tanning beds and Get sun and vitamin D naturally in cold and windy weather. Made with superior UVTR layers and fabric treatments for added comfort and flawless performance. We committed to your total and absolute satisfaction. We offer a 14 Day Satisfaction Guarantee Return and Exchange policy.

Seckin Endometriosis Center
19-01-2019 06:40
Offering: Health services, beauty services in United States, New York, New York City ... View detailed ...
Seckin Endometriosis Center

With over three decades of experience in fibroid surgery, we are confident in our standard techniques that have been established to use strictly for laparoscopic surgeons, ensuring almost scarless incisions. Seckin Endometriosis Center have also developed our bloodless myomectomy procedure, with a unique novel tourniquet technique in addition to standard putrescent, for our more complex fibroid surgeries.

Platelet rich plasma therapy for hip strain in NYC
15-01-2019 16:44 Price: 1 000 USD $
Offering: Health services, beauty services in United States, New York, New York City ... View detailed ...

PRP can be carefully injected into the injured area. For example, in Achilles tendonitis, a condition commonly seen in runners and tennis players, the heel cord can become swollen, inflamed, and painful. A mixture of PRP and local anesthetic can be injected directly into this inflamed tissue. Afterwards, the pain at the area of injection may actually increase for the first week or two, and it may be several weeks before the patient feels a beneficial effect.

Platelet rich plasma therapy for Hair loss
15-01-2019 06:46 Price: 1 000 USD $
Offering: Health services, beauty services in United States, New York, New York City ... View detailed ...

Combination of Platelet Rich Plasma therapy NYC along with stem cell therapy has become a part of a leading practice called regenerative therapies. This innovative approach promotes natural, long-term healing of injured tissues and joints. Platelet rich plasma (PRP) treatment NYC not only alleviates pain, but also promotes significant healing making it the most reliable go-to treatment for both minor and complex injuries.

Dental staff training
23-11-2018 19:56 Price: 100 USD $
Offering: Health services, beauty services in United States, New York, New York City ... View detailed ...
Dental staff training

Gain instant access to dentistry’s most comprehensive dental online team training program. Acquire best dental staff training, step-by-step customer-service SYSTEM, rather than a bunch of random training videos.

Seckin Endometriosis Center, ,
22-11-2018 10:11
Offering: Health services, beauty services in United States, New York, New York City ... View detailed ...
Seckin Endometriosis Center, ,

In 2009, Dr. Seckin founded the Endometriosis Foundation of America (EndoFound), an organization that works to raise awareness and emphasizes the critical value of surgical excision of best doctors for endometriosis. The EndoFound is the first research and advocacy foundation organized by a private physician.

Results found: 607 [<<300<<] | 301-330 | 331-360 | 361-390 | 391-420 | 421-450 | 451-480 | 481-510 | 511-540 | 541-570 | 571-600 | [>>7>>]


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