Dental hygienists need an associate’s degree in dental hygiene. Programs typically take 3 years to complete. Every state requires dental hygienists to be licensed; requirements vary by state. In most states, a degree from an accredited dental hygiene program and passing grades on written and clinical examinations is required for licensure. To maintain licensure, hygienists must complete continuing education requirements. For specific requirements, contact your state’s medical or health board. Although the demand for dental services is growing, the number of new graduates from dental hygiene programs also has increased, resulting in more competition for jobs. Candidates can expect very strong competition for most full-time hygienist positions.
A career as a dental hygienist offers a wide range of challenges. In, the dentist and the dental hygienist work together to meet the oral health needs of patients. Since each state has its own specific regulations regarding their responsibilities, the range of services performed by hygienists varies from state to state.
Contact Details :
244 Fifth Ave, Ste.
K236, New York,
NY 10001
Telephone: 212 -726-1164
Fax: 212 - 726-3164