There are several possible paths to becoming a dental assistant. Some states require assistants to graduate from an accredited program and pass an exam. In other states, there are no formal educational requirements. Some states require dental assistants to graduate from an accredited program and pass an exam. Most programs are offered by community colleges, although they also may be offered by vocational or technical schools. Most programs take about 1 year to complete and lead to a certificate or diploma. Programs that last 2 years are less common and lead to an associate’s degree. Dental assistants perform many tasks, ranging from patient care and taking x rays to recordkeeping and scheduling appointments. Their duties vary by state and by the dentists’ offices where they work. is a team of dental professionals in New York, offering personalized and high quality dental care for the whole family. From routine cleaning to orthodontics, we have the technology and experience to effectively and gently take care of your dental needs.
Contact Details :
244 Fifth Ave, Ste.
K236, New York,
NY 10001
Telephone: 212 -726-1164
Fax: 212 - 726-3164