Auto body paint - New York City - Automotive services , New York City - 2934802


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Auto body paint - Automotive services

Ref. number: 2934802 Updated: 01-03-2021 08:25

Offering: Automotive services in United States, New York, New York City

Minor scrapes and dents typically just need the fine touch of a professional who can get the right color match to completely erase any appearance of the scratch. But when your car has been in an accident, has seen its share of body repair without a fresh coat of paint or has just become weathered from the elements, you may need a complete makeover. The auto body paint experts at have been painting vehicles in the New York City area since 1999. They’ve perfected the science of auto body painting. Retain your vehicle’s original beauty and improve its resale value with an expert paint job nearby in Brooklyn. Call today. eAutoCollision: Auto Body Shop 8027-8029 Foster Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11236 (718) 517-9180 Working Hours: Mon-Sat 8:00am - 6:00pm; Sun - closed Payment: cash, check, credit cards.

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Contact information
First name: Zoriy
Last name: Birenboym
Phone number: (718) 517-9180
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