Buy Face Scarf Mask - Brooklyn Equipment - New York City - Medical equipment, supplies, New York City - 2954152


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Buy Face Scarf Mask - Brooklyn Equipment - Medical equipment, supplies

Ref. number: 2954152 Updated: 15-04-2021 15:30

Price: 5 USD $

Offering: Medical equipment, supplies in United States, New York, New York City

if you’re looking for a face scarf comfortable enough to be easy for the customers following the ways of a generic mask with elasticity to be worn accordingly, then you’re at the right place to use a face scarf mask by Brooklyn equipment. It is highly used both as a scarf and mask, as it's comfortably breathable and durable. The active carbon filters isolate 99% of dust, chemicals, fumes, and particulates for air intake, providing a cleaner passage for our respiration.

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First name: brooklyn
Last name: equipment
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