Tulip Carpet Cleaning New Rochelle - New York City - Cleaning services, lawn services, garden services, New York City - 2970555


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Tulip Carpet Cleaning New Rochelle - Cleaning services, lawn services, garden services

Ref. number: 2970555 Updated: 27-07-2021 18:19

Price: 12 USD $

Offering: Cleaning services, lawn services, garden services in United States, New York, New York City

Since 2005 we at Tulip Carpet Cleaning New Rochelle have made it our mission to identify the area's carpet cleaning needs and to not only meet them but to surpass them. For years we have been trusted with cleaning not only your residential and commercial carpets, but also your imported rugs and even your boat upholstery. Today we want continue to provide first class service to all of our clients. While at the same time identifying new areas where our services might come in handy, such as water damage restoration or even mold testing and removal. Tulip Carpet Cleaning New Rochelle 40 Memorial Hwy New Rochelle, NY 10801 914-380-7211 https://www.carpetcleaningnewrochelle.com/

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Contact information
First name: Alan
Last name: Boisvert
Phone number: 914-380-7211
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