Colonoscopy procedure in Midtown, Manhattan, and Upper East Side, New York City. Our expert physicians at Manhattan Gastroenterology offer screening colonoscopy, a safe procedure that reduces the risk of colorectal cancer. Our doctors perform diagnostic colonoscopies that help identify polyps and other growths inside your colon and are vital in evaluating other lower GI symptoms. Colonoscopies in NYC generally can take between 30 and 45 minutes, although every patient’s procedure is different.
What Is a Colonoscopy and Why Is It Performed?
Colonoscopy is the gold standard screening exam used to look for colorectal cancer (commonly referred to as colon cancer) that is recommended in patients without symptoms aged 45 or over (or earlier depending on risk factors such as family history, polyps, and other factors) that should be discussed with your local gastroenterologist. Coloscopy is used to look for polyps or other growths in the colon with the goal of prevention and early diagnosis of colon cancer.
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Manhattan Gastroenterology
983 Park Ave, Ste 1D,
New York, NY 10028
(212) 427-8761
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Upper East Side
Yorkville | Manhattan Valley | Lenox Hill | Sutton Place | Carnegie Hill | East Harlem
10028 | 10025 | 10021| 10022 | 10029