Rose water is a type of distillate, which is water that has been distilled. Rose water is mainly used in cosmetic products including face wash, moisturizer, toner, cleanser and other skin care treatments. Rose water has many benefits such as soothing dry skin and fighting aging. It also helps to soothe sunburns and provides relief from insect bites.
It is important to know the pros and cons of using rose water for your skin before you use it on your skin so that you can make an informed decision about whether or not to use it yourself.
Rose water is a natural beauty product that has been used for centuries to help hydrate, soothe and soften the skin.
Some people have acne that's often caused by bacteria or oil, which can cause breakouts. Rose water can help reduce the redness caused by acne or inflammation.
It’s also useful for soothing sunburns, getting rid of dry patches on your skin and reducing redness around your nose or eyes due to allergies.
Naturelle Nubian rose water is made by simmering rose petals in distilled water with sugar until it reaches a concentrated consistency before being strained out.
People with sensitive skin are advised to make their own rose water rather than buy it from the store as some brands might contain preservatives that could irritate or inflame them.