Hair removal can be painful and tedious. You sit there in front of a mirror picking and plucking, waxing and shaving – only to have to do it all over again when it grows back. At least, that’s what you used to be faced with. Today, laser hair removal is an option.
It's true that laser hair removal treatments aren't permanent, but it does last longer than other methods, and there are long-term effects that make unwanted body hair less of a problem in the future. That's why laser removal is often called permanent hair removal.
Laser hair removal at Exhale Laser is safe, pain-free, long-lasting and looks absolutely fantastic. Not only does laser hair removal do a great job today, but it can provide between a 50-95% reduction of new hair growth and what hair does grow back will be finer so it’s easier to maintain and not as noticeable.
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Exhale Laser - Hair Removal Center
150-31 Union Tpke,
Queens, NY 11367
(718) 504-6565
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