Hair Transplants for African Americans NYC - New York City - Health services, beauty services, New York City - 3181654


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Hair Transplants for African Americans NYC - Health services, beauty services

Ref. number: 3181654 Updated: 03-02-2025 13:31

Offering: Health services, beauty services in United States, New York, New York City

While everyone expects a hair transplant for African Americans to be the same as for anyone else, the truth is that there are some differences. That’s why you need the top hair transplant surgeons for African Americans to perform your hair transplant. A hair transplant for a Black male has the same goals as the procedure for any man: to grow hair where it’s been lost. A hair transplant for an African American woman is similar to other women: keep the hair thick and healthy. Call our top hair trnasplant center in Midtown Manhattan to get the best results for an African American hair transplant. With their experience and facility, they have the best outcomes. Do African American Hair Transplants Work? Hair transplants work for all types of hair, including African American hair. African American hair is unique in many ways, which leads to misconceptions about hair loss treatment. While its texture ranges from fine to coarse, its curl patterns vary from straight to extremely tight and it boasts a broad range of shades and hues, African American hair can still fall out like any other hair. Read more: Linkov Hair Surgery 150 E 56th St, #1A New York, NY 10022 212-970-9404 Web Address: Our location on the map: New York Nearby Locations: Upper East Side | Lenox Hill | Hell's Kitchen | Midtown Manhattan | Murray Hill 10021, 10028, 10044, 10065, 10075, 10128 | 10019 | 10022, 10017 | 10016

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First name: Gary
Last name: Linkov
Phone number: 212-970-9404
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