Hymenectomy Procedure - New York City - Health services, beauty services, New York City - 3182436


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Hymenectomy Procedure - Health services, beauty services

Ref. number: 3182436 Updated: 10-02-2025 10:20

Offering: Health services, beauty services in United States, New York, New York City

A hymen is a thin membrane located at the opening of the vagina and is something most females are born with. Hymens come in different shapes and usually have a small opening. It has no real medical purpose although some experts believe it evolved over time to help protect the vagina from infections. Many religions and cultures believe that the hymen represents a woman’s virginity, only broken during the first sexual intercourse. This is a famous myth that has long been debunked since the hymen needs to be partially open to allow for menstruation in women of childbearing age. Additionally, today we know that even nonsexual activity such as inserting a tampon or even exercising can tear the hymen. Read more: https://www.brooklynabortionclinic.nyc/hymenectomy/ Brooklyn Abortion Clinic 14 DeKalb Avenue 4 floor, Brooklyn, NY 11201 718-369-1900 Web Address: https://www.brooklynabortionclinic.nyc/ Our location on the map: https://goo.gl/maps/PiZocruzmE7w1BLx6 https://plus.codes/87G8M2Q9+V4 Brooklyn Nearby Locations: Downtown Brooklyn | Clinton Hill | Prospect Heights | Gowanus | Cobble Hill 11201| 11238 | 11217

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First name: Dmitriy
Last name: Bronfman
Phone number: 718-369-1900
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